We are an all-volunteer organization.  We cannot function without volunteers.  There are a number of ways to help, with varying amounts of time commitments.  For more information or to volunteer, please email president@pgcgs.org.  To return to this site after emailing, click the back arrow on your browser.
Please investigate the options below and consider stepping up to become a more active member by volunteering.  Your sense of reward will be great and the friends you may make will make you glad you serve.  Many opportunities exist that do not require one to live locally to the society's headquarters.  Ways to volunteer include:
Volunteer for a Short-term Special Project:
     Help Out at Our Library:  Assist our librarians with shelving books, clerical chores, and helping patrons for two to four hours on Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Serve on One of Our Standing Committees:
     The MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE, under the direction of the Chair, processes membership applications made by mail or follows up with memberships made online.  Mailed applications require some paper work to complete the transaction and see that it is recorded to the computer database as well as to the treasurer for payment processing and recording.  Training will be provided for this as well as for our online processing software.  The job is not difficult, but does require attention to detail.   Members of the committee may also help the society by discovering new avenues of membership recruitment and outreach.
     The PROGRAM COMMITTEE finds and secures speakers for the society's monthly meetings.  The Chair contacts the potential speaker and secures an agreement to speak on a given date for a certain compensation, and outlines the criteria for such talks.  The Chair provides contact information on the speaker to the Treasurer so that payment may be made.  Committee members assist the Chair by suggesting speakers, providing the Chair with speaker's contact information, and making advance inquiries to the speaker about topics, availability, and other pertinent information.
     The PUBLICITY COMMITTEE seeks avenues for sharing information about the society, its library, and its events; secures contact information to forward to the Chair; writes summaries of events and promotional material on events to be used in creating publicity for the events.  The Chair follows up by contacting the advertiser and submitting the promotional material in the requested format and by the cut-off date required.  The Publicity Committee seeks to further the mission of the society by making it more visible and appealing through print, verbal, and online communications.  The Publicity Committee suggests ways to inrease and maintain membership.
     The CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE reviews the society's constitution and offers suggested changes to the Executive Council on ways to streamline our guiding documents and enable the society to function with limited human resources.  The committee follows the society's actions to ensure they are consistent with the constitution.
     The NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE prepares and provides the society's quarterly newsletter under the direction of the Editor, who serves as chair of the committee.  Duties may include writing articles, finding others to write articles, suggesting topics for articles, preparing an Editorial Guide to provide consistency within our publications, and proof-reading submitted articles or the finished Bulletin before press time.
Serve as a Member of Our Executive Council:
     The PRESIDENT is the society's chief executive officer and has general active management of its business. The president presides over all the society's meetings and gatherings, appoints chairs to standing committees, and generally oversees the functioning and business of the society.  The president's term is for two years.  There is no limit on the number of consecutive terms served, but it is good to have a change of administration every few years to keep the society from stagnating.
     The VICE PRESIDENT assists the President and performs such duties prescribed by the President.  The Vice President must serve as Chairperson of one standing committee.
     The SECRETARY keeps a permanent record of the society's proceedings, providing minutes of meetings of the Executive Council and the Annual Meeting of members.  The Secretary handles all correspondence of the society and acts as Chair for one standing committee.
     The TREASURER is custodian of the society's funds and is accountable for their safekeeping; receives all fees, dues, and assessments from members and all monies belonging to the society. The Treasurer shall promptly deposit all funds received, in the name of and to the credit of the Society in the society's official accounts at financial institutions acceptable to the Executive Council; keeps a current, complete, and true and correct record of all receipts and disbursements and all financial transactions of the society. The Treasurer shall keep a current record of all funds received and disbursed and present a report at each regular meeting.  At the end of each fiscal year, the Treasurer will submit an accounting of all receipts and disbursements for review by the Auditor. The Treasurer must prepare a detailed full financial report and present a budget for the following year to the Executive Council. The Treasurer may not be Chairperson of any standing committee of the Society. The Treasurer shall, upon the expiration of the term of office, hand over to the successor in office, all money, paper, record books, or other property belonging to the society.  The Treasurer prepares and files in timely fashion all taxes, reports, and other documents required by the appropriate governmental agencies.